Jaman sekarang, cuci mobil cukup panggil kami ke rumah

Dengan hadirnya Pitstop, kamu bisa cuci mobil kapan saja dan dijamin aman, higienis, praktis, dan wangi! Kamu juga bisa belanja berbagai produk cuci mobil dan detailing disini, yuk cek sekarang!

Our Services

Car Wash Package
Include Price
Two bucket method
Wash mitt
Microfiber towel
Car shampoo
Tire gel
Engine degreaser and dressing
Interior vacuum, cleaning,
and protect quick detailer
All in one pack IDR 125.000
Service Price
Spray wax (shine wax) IDR 25.000
Silica spray (Quartmax) IDR 50.000
Paste wax
(Meguiars Gold Glass Paste Wax)
IDR 100.000
Service Price
Tag remover IDR 50.000
Clay IDR 75.000
Engine Cleaning IDR 150.000
Waterspot Remover IDR 150.000
Glass Cleaning IDR 200.000

Contact Us

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